Counter-Strike 2: All leaks, and details on CS 2

We're seemingly on the verge of playing CS:GO on Source 2.

Image via Valve

After years of speculation and hope, Valve added the game engine Source 2 toCS:GOin alimited testingphase on March 22 and called the productCounter-Strike 2, confirming what independent journalist Richard Lewisreportedearlier this month.

CS2was playtested by a number of broadcast members and community figures likeGeT_RiGhT, Erik “fl0m” Flom, and 3kliksphilipbefore the beta release on March 22. The game looks similar toCS:GOstill but Valve has added several exciting features,most notably the smoke grenade changes.

Related:All differences betweenCounter-Strike 2andCS:GO

Each change the developers are implementing toCS2’scode is getting caught by leakers and the rumors are flying across the community. We’ve gathered the best leaks and rumors that show the direction Valve is taking withCS2.

Counter-Strike 2rumors, leaks, and details

March 24, 2023:Counter-Strike 2 will have multiple announcers, according to leaks

This feature hasn’t been implemented in the limited test yet, but leakers have spotted the codes inCS2. The players will be able to choose between four announcers, including a female, through the game’s Settings. This already exists inDota 2and creates the possibility for Valve to release announcer packs featuring famous voices like it already does inDota 2.

March 24, 2023:Aquarius says Valve is implementing a revolutionary anti-cheating tool forCounter-Strike 2

Screengrab by Aquarius via Valve

There’s a new feature in the works called “VAC Live,” as spotted by leaker Aquarius. This tool will automatically cancel a match if a cheater is detected, sparing players from having to play an entire game that is plagued by a cheater. This could also hint that Valve is working on a more invasive anti-cheat system, similar to what Riot Games has done with新万博app官方下载.

March 23, 2023: Aquarius spots mobile codes in Source 2

Source 2 supports iOS and Android, which could mean that Valve could possibly releaseCounter-Strike 2for mobile in the future. One player pointed out, though, that the console command Aquarius spotted is a leftover fromDota Underlords, which can also be found inDota 2.

March 22, 2023: Aquarius points out a possible anti-cheat system inCounter-Strike 2

With the announcement ofCounter-Strike 2and the official limited playtesting going live on March 22, it was more than natural that some data miners would dive into the game’s files once again. One of the main leakers, Aquarius, posted a screengrab of a code containing “AntiCheat,” which could point to a possible updated or new anti-cheat system inCounter-Strike 2. And with the game receiving a complete revamp to its systems, it’s not a stretch to think its anti-cheat will be upgraded as well.

March 22, 2023:Valve confirmsCounter-Strike 2is coming this summer

Valve has officially spoken aboutCounter-Strike 2for the first time since Richard Lewis reported that Source 2 was coming toCS:GOthis month.Counter-Strike 2will be a free upgrade toCS:GOand is already available for testing to selected players. The update will deeply change how smoke grenades work, moving and shooting will be way more accurate because of the introduction of sub-ticks, and maps have been reworked accordingly to what was needed.

March 22, 2023: NewCS:GObranched

The developers have updated the game code today. Developers generate a new branch in the code they’re working on in order to create a different version without affecting the old version of the app. This could mean that Valve is getting ready to push Source 2 toCS:GOsoon.

March 21, 2023:Valve updatesCS:GO‘s Twitter banner to new logo

阀想出了一个新标识系lCS:GOaccount on Twitter amid all the new speculation that Source 2 is launching soon. The developer has been changing the Twitter banner a lot since the rumors started flying and now that we’re close to Wednesday, when theCS:GOclient is usually updated, the community is interpreting the new logo as a hint that Source 2 is dropping.

March 20, 2023: Leaker spots new hiddenCS:GOblog post

On the night of March 20, reputableCS:GOleaker Aquarius spotted Valve adding new hidden entries to Valve’sCS:GOblog, which is used to announce updates. It could be that Valve is setting up new pages for what is to come.

March 15, 2023: AnotherCS:GOupdate spotted on SteamDB

Players from all over the world expected the Source 2 update to be rolled on Wednesday evening since Valve usually updates the game in that timeframe. While there was no official update to be seen, SteamDB spotted some new configs added to the game. It’s surely only a matter of time before Source 2 drops.

March 15, 2023:CS:GOTwitter account teases Source 2 arrival

The devsreplied with a short clip fromThe OfficeTV seriesto one of ESL’s tweets about everything we know about the Source 2 update. While this is nothing more than cheeky fun from the devs’ side, it’s yet another hint that the update is on its way and will be added sooner or later.

March 14, 2023: cs2.Exe added toCS:GOconfigs

In the late afternoon of March 14, Gabe Follower spotted that Valve added a file called cs2.exe toCS:GO. Many players were expecting the update to drop but nothing happened. Still, with cs2.exe in the game, it’s yet another hint that it could be right around the corner, and could be coming on March 15.

Additionally, some players have pointed out that Valve adds most of itsCS:GO周三晚上更新。所以有一个文件ke cs2.exe could be the last preparation before the update goes live.

March 14, 2023:Leakers layout map pool for Source 2

CS:GOleakers have spotted that Valve has seemingly ported seven maps in total to the Source 2 engine over the course of the past few months. The selection includes competitive maps Inferno, Cobblestone, and Overpass, plus four more casual maps in Short Dust, Lake, Shoots, and Italy, which are usually played in modes like Wingman or Arms Race.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that only these seven maps will be playable when Source 2 arrives inCS:GO. “It might be full-fledged remakes and other maps will be directly ported from [the] current engine,” Gabe Followersaid.

March 14, 2023: Source 2 is added to the developer pre-release branch

The developer build is being updated, which means there are no more updates for Source 1, and that indicates that Source 2 might be added this week, according to reputableCS:GOleaker Ale_CS. The pre-release branch is a step that developers take when the product is getting ready for release. For reference, mostCS:GOupdates were pushed either on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday,according to a recent tracking.

March 8, 2023: Valve seemingly spent $300,000 to buy two maps

It was leaked inCS:GOsitem schema API that Valve has seemingly paid $150,000 to buy the rights of Anubis and $150,000 to buy the rights of Tuscan, two maps that belonged to independent map makers. This information hasn’t been confirmed by Valve, but if true, it would allow the developers to make all the changes they want to these maps since they’d own the IP.

March 7, 2023: No 128-tick servers?

Gabe Follower, one of the most reliableCS:GOleakers, isn’t sure Valve will add 128-tick servers alongside the Source 2 update. All official game modes inCS:GOstill run in 64-tick, which forces players to play on third-party platforms if they want to play on 128-tick servers. Based on the recentDota 2updates, Gabe Follower said the developers are working on a new “tickless/subtick” system.
