在opp哇球员数量和销售数字osite directions after Dragonflight and WOTLK Classic

There's some good news and some bad news for Blizzard.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Looking atDragonflightas a whole, the expansion has givenWorld of Warcrafta new lease on life, making fans fall in love with the game once again thanks to Dragonriding, new talents, and lack of time-gated content. Although players had nothing but words of praise for Blizzard Entertainment lately, fans have still been curious about the player counts since the release ofWrath of the Lich King Classicon September 26, 2022, andDragonflighton November 28, 2022.

On Feb. 7, Blizzard Entertainment shared itsquarterly reports. According to fourth-quarter financial reports from 2022, the company has managed to increase monthly active users by 14 million. In other words, the number of users increased from 31 million in the third quarter of 2022 to 42 million active monthly users.

When looking at theDragonflightsales numbers, the new dragon-themed expansion didn’t reach the same number of sold copies asShadowlandsdid back in 2020. On the flip side,Dragonflighthas far better subscriber retention numbers thanShadowlands, meaning more players have continued to play the game after the dust settled on the major release.

Seeing the invested time and effort have started paying off, the company promised to continue working on follow-up content to keep the community immersed in the experience that isDragonflight. “Blizzard has announced plans to deliver substantially more follow-on content for the expansion than in the past, and post-launch subscriber retention in the West is higher than recent expansions,” the report said.

It’s worth noting thatShadowlandsis one of the most-sold games of all time with3.7 million copies sold worldwide on the first day. But, the game was released during the Covid-19 lockdowns, when gamers had more free time to kill. So, it’s not surprisingDragonflightsales numbers haven’t reached the heights ofShadowlands.
